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Print Page - UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?


Great Patriotic War Aviation => Petlyakovs => Topic started by: TISO on March 12, 2013, 12:05:18 PM

Title: UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?
Post by: TISO on March 12, 2013, 12:05:18 PM
OK  let's go again. This one is slowly getting to the top of the pile.

 This is the plane for which UM gave markings in their series 1 box. UM painting instructions are as per 1943 NKAP sheme.
Erik (please don't pile on me like a ton of bricks) gave a pic of this plane and one similar on his site, together with his rendition of profile in ??? ??? :P: (

On top it is obviously Green-Black with additional light colour repaintings.
What are yout thoughts about this lighter colour on top?

When looking at the pic i had a crazy idea that it could be the underside color (as i said just a feeling watching gondola tip and interior of the flaps).

World would be much happier place if someone would make an accurate profile as per recent research. ;D

Title: Re: UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?
Post by: 4bogreen on March 12, 2013, 01:27:43 PM
Hmmm ::) ::)
I think its a kind of brown...or heavily faded black...They cold try to painted it black again, just like Galchenko's LaGG-3...
Cool subject  :)



Title: Re: UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?
Post by: Troy Smith on March 12, 2013, 03:49:58 PM
TISo and remco

one small problem with sites like this is threads can get 'lost' or are not always easy to find.  Questions on the above scheme are a case in point, as there is a 4 page thread on this very scheme, with LOTS of photos from this unit

I think Konstantin [KL] makes a good case for use of the ALG-5 as the lighter colour, Massimo disagrees.

Massimo,  :)

Pe-2 No 35 colours:


Rudder structure under ripped off fabric was yellow.  Plane in Finnish museum was shot down on June 29.  Pe-2 No 35 was destroyed in bombing week later, on July 05, 1941.


But read the entire thread, it's very interesting.

I got a cheap Airfix Pe-2 just to test out this hypothesis, I ever get around to it!


Title: Re: UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?
Post by: 4bogreen on March 12, 2013, 04:18:01 PM
Thanks Troy  :)

Title: Re: UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?
Post by: TISO on March 12, 2013, 04:24:13 PM
Thanks Troy

Title: Re: UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?
Post by: Massimo Tessitori on March 12, 2013, 04:49:30 PM
there is something here (
What has emerged after this work?
Tapani has gone to see these wrecks, he said that there is no any trace of camo colors, only green, light grey and zinc chromate primer. I think that this plane has nothing to do with the camouflaged ones.
One of the images suggests that what seems the only light color in most photos should include two different colors, hardly distinguishable on bw photos.
Honat, on the base of Vaklamov and Orlov, says that a batch of Lagg-3s were painted in a camo of sand, ochre, mouse grey, green and black grey. It could be that these Pe-2s were more or less as these.

Title: Re: UM's Pe-2 series 1 white 24 camo?
Post by: KL on March 12, 2013, 06:11:23 PM
there is something here (
What has emerged after this work?

Nothing emerged.  People love to hypothesize and to stick to their hypothesis.  Pilawskii had his hypothesis, you had yours, I had mine.  I didn't agree with you, you didn't agree with me.

Tapani has gone to see these wrecks, he said that there is no any trace of camo colors, only green, light grey and zinc chromate primer. I think that this plane has nothing to do with the camouflaged ones.

Tapani didn't look carefully - the plane was definitively repainted.