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Print Page - Yak-7 of 12 IAKP KBF


General Category => gallery of completed works => Topic started by: Massimo Tessitori on August 26, 2014, 08:01:17 AM

Title: Yak-7 of 12 IAKP KBF
Post by: Massimo Tessitori on August 26, 2014, 08:01:17 AM
Mechanics Efimov, Voronin, Alexandrov, Trahtenberg, Leznikov, Solncev. On the background, a Yak-7 of 12 IAKP KBF (12th Red-bannered Fighter Aviation Regiment of Red Bannered Baltic Sea Fleet). 
Solnzev was Tikhomirov's mech for the final part of the war. 
Trakhtenberg was killed when he got hit by a rotating propeller. 
Image colorized by Massimo Tessitori
