Title: Il-28 Gordon, Komissarov - link for e-book wanted Post by: Audrius on June 11, 2007, 05:08:16 PM hello,
could anyone provide a link for e-book of Il-28 by Gordon and Komissarov, please? Thanks in advance! Audrius Title: Re: Il-28 Gordon, Komissarov - link for e-book wanted Post by: Renato71 on September 09, 2007, 04:22:38 PM Hi Audrius,
Could this be of any help to you: http://wunderwaffe.narod.ru/Magazine/AK/2006_05/index.htm http://wunderwaffe.narod.ru/Magazine/AK/2006_06/index.htm Cheers Title: Re: Il-28 Gordon, Komissarov - link for e-book wanted Post by: Audrius on September 09, 2007, 08:19:04 PM hello Renato,
thanks for the links. That would help me if I would not have it already at home in print. So still looking for the mentioned books. Thanku anyway! Audrius Title: Re: Il-28 Gordon, Komissarov - link for e-book wanted Post by: ReccePhreak on December 25, 2011, 10:11:49 PM The book you want can be downloaded here:
Il-28 by Gordon and Komissarov https://rs419l33.rapidshare.com/#!download|419dt|339239342|3858.zip|50435|R~92D5E237DD87FFF58F9393821961A1B1|0|0 You also might be interested in these other two books on the IL-28: SERIA "POD LUPA" 13 - ILJUSZYN IL-28 "BEAGLE" http://www.filesonic.com/file/967173154/Seria_Pod_Lupa_13_-_Iljuszyn_Il-28_Beagle.pdf Il-28 Beagle Vol.II - Wydawnictwo Militaria 297 http://depositfiles.com/files/jeq8f2rqe Hope that helps. Larry Title: Re: Il-28 Gordon, Komissarov - link for e-book wanted Post by: Massimo Tessitori on December 26, 2011, 08:51:43 AM Hi Larry,
do you know for any link to the book of Gordon on the Li-2, please? Regards Massimo |