Title: Tu-2 326 BAD. Red 2. Post by: barneybolac on April 03, 2015, 12:43:42 AM Found this profile & was looking for information on it & it turns out it was used in a documentary film during the war. What surprised me was how glossy the paint is on the skin you can see the ground crews reflections on the paint in some scenes. Any other observation would be welcome.
(http://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af142/barneybolac/Tu%202/TU-2%20NUMBER%202_zpsjbrcadlq.jpg) (http://s1002.photobucket.com/user/barneybolac/media/Tu%202/TU-2%20NUMBER%202_zpsjbrcadlq.jpg.html) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWWfam0tw_Y Title: Re: Tu-2 326 BAD. Red 2. Post by: Massimo Tessitori on April 03, 2015, 07:28:58 AM Hi Rodney,
the plane in this movie was repainted (green, I suppose) after the war. Only the rudders and fins look to have preserved the original camouflage. We see some camouflaged planes at the end of the movie. Can you understand if they are built during the war, or (more likely) after? Regards Massimo Title: Re: Tu-2 326 BAD. Red 2. Post by: barneybolac on April 03, 2015, 06:22:24 PM Hi Rodney, the plane in this movie was repainted (green, I suppose) after the war. Only the rudders and fins look to have preserved the original camouflage. We see some camouflaged planes at the end of the movie. Can you understand if they are built during the war, or (more likely) after? Regards Massimo A solid colour like green seems most plausible for most of the skin of the aircraft. Then the outer portions of the vertical stabilizers & rudders would be what colour/colours? I know they used these aircraft well after the war would they go to so much trouble to tape off the #2 then repaint over the plane? Also would they still have gunners positions post WWII? I was thinking along the lines that it still is during the war you see a couple of WWII era aircraft flying over head & on the ground. Is it possible this was always mostly a green coloured aircraft & the profile is just wrong? I don't know about the others in the video I don't know any Russian to know if it was filmed during the war based off of the commentary. One of them has a bort number on it possibly #8. Title: Re: Tu-2 326 BAD. Red 2. Post by: learstang on April 03, 2015, 08:39:57 PM For what it's worth, the caption on the profile says it's at Malino airfield in the summer of 1944.
Regards, Jason Title: Re: Tu-2 326 BAD. Red 2. Post by: barneybolac on April 04, 2015, 05:30:05 PM For what it's worth, the caption on the profile says it's at Malino airfield in the summer of 1944. Regards, Jason http://www.weathergraphics.com/tim/russia/Malino.htm Title: Re: Tu-2 326 BAD. Red 2. Post by: learstang on April 04, 2015, 08:08:13 PM I see; so it's south of Moscow.
Regards, Jason |