Title: http://zarodinu.info 144 and 155 gshap Post by: PG monster on April 07, 2017, 03:16:18 PM Many fotos, but only few pieces of il-2
http://zarodinu.info/155gshap/photo/vov/ http://zarodinu.info/144gshap/photo/vov/ Title: Re: http://zarodinu.info 144 and 155 gshap Post by: PG monster on April 10, 2017, 11:18:15 AM One more il-2 of 155 gshap with white(?) spinner tip.
http://waralbum.ru/294036/ Title: Re: http://zarodinu.info 144 and 155 gshap Post by: Massimo Tessitori on April 10, 2017, 12:43:34 PM Hi, it has two emblems on the side of the nose that are missing in the photos taken in 1944. Probably they were painted at the end of the war.
Regards Massimo Title: Re: http://zarodinu.info 144 and 155 gshap Post by: PG monster on April 11, 2017, 07:15:12 AM Maybe that's your beloved guards sign :)
Title: Re: http://zarodinu.info 144 and 155 gshap Post by: KL on April 11, 2017, 08:07:37 AM Maybe it was Suvorov order? From same page:
Quote Фото сделано в первых числах июня 1945 года на аэродроме Финстервальде. Летчики 155-го гвардейского штурмового авиаполка принимали участие в торжественном митинге и параде по случаю награждения 9-й гвардейской штурмовой авиационной дивизии и 1-го гвардейского штурмового авиакорпуса орденами Суворова The photo was taken in the first days of June 1945 at the Finsterwalde airfield. The pilots of the 155th Guards Ground Attack Air Regiment took part in the solemn air show and parade on the occasion of the awarding of the 9th Guards Ground Attack Air Division and the 1st Guards Attack Air Corps with the orders of Suvorov. Title: Re: http://zarodinu.info 144 and 155 gshap Post by: Massimo Tessitori on April 11, 2017, 08:49:08 AM So a Guards badge and an order of Suvorov? I think to have already seen the photo of a nose of Il-2 with something similar, somewhere.
Regards Massimo |