Title: Yak-9D info Post by: 4bogreen on July 21, 2017, 07:19:56 PM Hi gents,
I just have bought a Modelsvit Yak 9DD. I want to build a Yak-9D. To be exact, the plane of Vladimir I. Voronov, the wingman of M. Grib. The 6th GIAP of the 11th ShAD, Black sea fleet arm May 1944. White 31 The following i have, Modelsvit Yak 9DD Vector resin Yak 9/9D conversion set Komplekt Zip Yak 9 wheels Komplekt Zip Yak 9 resin cockpit Metallic Detail PE Yak 9 detail set Print scale Fighter Yak 9 48-057 decals Any info and comments are very welcome. Question: i see a hatch on top of the back of the plane, at the rear of the canopy. Whats it usage? I see different variations. Large hatch on Yak-9 and Yak-9D and a small variant on the DD, T, K, and M variant Where is the radio installed? This varies also. At the rear of the pilot seat, on top of a shelf under the canopy.... I hope someone has a drawing of this section or a photo. Thanks for the info! Remco Title: Re: Yak-9D info Post by: Massimo Tessitori on July 22, 2017, 11:37:46 PM Hi Remco,
I had a look into my hard disk, but without finding much. I think that a Yak-9 manual should show the position of the detail, even if perhaps it doesn't make difference between versions. There should be some links to manuals of Soviet planes on the forum. Have you already checked this long topic? http://scalemodels.ru/modules/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9320&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 (http://scalemodels.ru/modules/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9320&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0) Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yak-9D info Post by: John Thompson on July 23, 2017, 08:33:31 PM Details of Yak-9 radio installation from Dimitriy Leipniek's book, "Yak-9 - Soldier of the Sky"
(https://s21.postimg.org/lwqnvmjhj/Yak-9_radio_inst._001.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/5lqjzb6zn/) (https://s13.postimg.org/lmp2ou9fr/yak-9_radio_inst._2.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/n1qndkair/) I hope this is helpful! John Title: Re: Yak-9D info Post by: 4bogreen on July 27, 2017, 01:51:38 AM Hi guys,
Thanks for your help! John, the Yak-9 early radio setup looks more like the Yak-1b and yak-3 arragement. The Yak-9 major versions drawings seems correct. These even match the Yak-7di arragement. The Yak-9T/K/M versions had their radio's in a bay behind the canopy. Yak-9U had it placed behind the pilotseat on the shelf under the rear section of the canopy. The Komplekt Zip cockpit is correct only for the Yak-9U/P versions. Although the purchace is not a total bust. I can sand down the radioshelf and cut out the radio equipment and replace them on the kit suplied shelf. The Dynamotors i have to scratcbuild. Use the seat, control stick, pedals, armored glass frame and the wall between the cockpit and the engine. The cockpitfloor is correct, but the sidewalls i have to dismiss. This is not a problem, because i have the Metallic detail set with the instrument panel.. The calbles, rods, struds were almost the same as on the Yak-1b. The tube frame in the Komplekt Zip kit are also not correct. I still can use the oxigene bottle and other small bits. Regards, Remco Title: Re: Yak-9D info Post by: PG monster on February 12, 2023, 01:44:20 PM brand new № 36 (what a color of the number?) http://ava.org.ru/iap/86g.htm
Title: Re: Yak-9D info Post by: Massimo Tessitori on February 13, 2023, 06:40:17 AM I suppose white and blue.