Title: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 21, 2017, 10:51:40 AM Hi,
here I have started work on Yak-1 serie: 1. Yak-1, HSU J.Z. Slepenkov, 21 iap VVS KBF, 1943: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352638) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352632) 2. Yak-1, HSU M.D. Baranov, 183 iap, Stalingrad front, autumn 1942, this one will be 4-view: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352639) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352629) 3. Yak-1b, P.M. Chuvelev, 427 iap, August 1943: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352637) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352633) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 21, 2017, 01:28:07 PM Hi Misos,
the first and second profiles are too 'humpback', while the ventral line should be curved. You have drawn the windshields different, are you sure of this? I think that they should be as on the prototype. The horizontal frame shouldn't be oblique. The rear profile of the cooler should be straight, and more extended rearwards up to the end of the karman. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 21, 2017, 06:59:52 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for comment. So I reworked the first one and here is finished profile: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352889) According to this photo: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352780) the plane looks quite clean and camouflage color doe not look worn. It looks like factory overall painting with the white color. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 21, 2017, 09:07:05 PM Hi Misos,
nice work. I would check the rear of the cooler, it should be more angular. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 22, 2017, 05:44:56 AM Hi Massimo,
thank you. I corrected and replaced picture above - the board number chanded from 31 to 51 (comment from Modelforum.cz), added sight (I forgot it previously), tiny antena mast and slightly reworked rear canopy window. Regarding cooler I did not find reliable picture, on some pictures it is shorter, on other same like here and o other looks longer/thinner etc. So I let it as is. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 22, 2017, 08:16:14 AM Hi Misos,
the cooler is tricky because it is rounded in section, but angular in profile. So, an oblique photo shows it rounded. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 22, 2017, 01:57:48 PM Hi Massimo,
I still think also about the camouflage, I am a bit confused now. 1. The whole bottom part of the front fuselage and front cooler is bright, e.g. white. But top of the fuselage around canopy and sides of the rear fuselage are darker. The tail is apparently brighter, again white. The surface is hard matt, so it is not shining. 2. However, open landing gear cover, e.g. in the same position against the sun as the side of the front fuselage and front cooler, is quite dark, apparently not white. (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352632) 3. This photo shows that the plane was matt white. But also canopy cover is matt and looks to be not very translucent. So the plane could be either quite clean and not weathed, or weathered but covered by icing during that photo session. I do not know whether is matter of this photo scan/copy but surface looks a bit blotchy, not homogenous white. (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1352780) 4. According to the NKAP the white color had to be applied in the very thin layer allowing original blac/green camouflage th shine through it. So putting all that together it starting to look to me now more like white camo over original green-black with underserfaces leaving light blue than overall homogenous factory white painting. What do you think? Regards, Misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 22, 2017, 08:43:37 PM Hi Misos,
I see the different impression from the photos. I can't fully explain this; probably the light from the front gives some contribution for the strange lok of the first photo. About undersurfaces, I can't be sure, but I suspect that AII blue highlighted with the snow reflection from below could give the impression of white. It could be that white was sprayed in soft way, so delimitation lines are not visible. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 23, 2017, 05:52:27 AM Hi Massimo,
here is reworked winter Yak-1. Changed/corrected whole rear fuselage, bottom cooler, cockpit - all that according to the photo and detailed drawing, moved no. 51 and added light blue AIIg: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1353259) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 23, 2017, 10:19:23 AM Hi Misos,
well made. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Spitfire on November 23, 2017, 08:23:23 PM This looks pretty fantastic work to me, I would not have a clue how to do this, all I need now is for a model manufacturer to produce a kit in my favourite scale of 1/32.
Cheers Dennis Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 24, 2017, 05:20:10 AM Hi,
thank you for comments. I am glad you like it. :) Here I still corrected position of the red star on the tail: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1353462) And here I tried to make a bit more weathered version to give it look similar to the photo with the whole plane: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1353747) And now, let's move on to Baranov's Yak-1. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 24, 2017, 06:45:58 AM Hi Misos,
it looks a reasonable compromise to match the photo from far. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 25, 2017, 07:28:25 AM Hi Massimo,
thank you. Let's continue with Baranov's Yak-1 now, here is work in progress: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1353910) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1353911) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 25, 2017, 04:21:41 PM Hi,
I have a little problem with Baranov's plane. View from the left: - 24 victory starlets, - field of the starlets on the bottom does not reach to the edge on the fuselage, - inscription goes to the oposite side over the top, - tiny antena mast is not visible: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354048) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354100) View from the right: - inscription from to the oposite side is not visible not the top of the fuselage, - only 23 victory starlets, - field of the starlets is bigger and on the bottom it reaches reach the edge on the fuselage, - tiny antena mast is clearly visible: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354043&t=1) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354042) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354044) Victory starlet no. 24 is just being painted: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354047) Is is one repainted and reconfigured plane during several photosessions or are they several different planes, that were "on hand" and appropriately decorated for the actual prohosession? Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 25, 2017, 09:52:10 PM Hi Misos,
strange indeed. The rear painting of the blades seem different too. The tiny antenna mast and wires could have been cutten on a retouched photo. My impression is that the photos were made in different photo sessions, at least, and possibly with different planes. I wonder if any uncropped version of the photo from the left do exist to see if it is numbered 1. On the profile, the black blotch over the wing should go up at the end of the plate on the cockpit's side. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 26, 2017, 07:05:16 AM Hi Massimo,
it really looks like two different planes. According to the http://www.airaces.narod.ru/all1/baran_md.htm (http://www.airaces.narod.ru/all1/baran_md.htm) he shot down 4 (in text) or 5 (in table) planes in August 6, 1942, the last one was hit by wing of Baranov's Yak and Baranov he bailed out. After a week on Augut 12 he was awarded HSU. According to Pravda article from August 13, 1942 he destroyed 4 planes. Thank you for note about that blotch, I have it also on my 1/48 kit. I added it to the picticture and here is fihished view from the left side: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1356010) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 26, 2017, 08:25:51 AM Hi Misos, it looks excellent. I just wonder if it was really n.1, and if the slogans shown on photo of the other side were on this one too.
Regars Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Johann on November 26, 2017, 12:08:35 PM (http://airaces.narod.ru/all1/baran8.jpg)
(http://airaces.narod.ru/all1/baran10.jpg) (http://i.io.ua/img_su/large/0019/41/00194189_n2.jpg) (http://waralbum.ru/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/20090617-baranov.jpg) Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 26, 2017, 01:39:27 PM Hi,
thank you for comments and posted photos. Massimo, it is really suspitious that all photos from the left side are basicaly closeups, no photo shows the whole plane. It really looks like they wanted to cover the board number, presumably other than "1". Here is finished view from the right side: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1356012) EDIT: Upper borderof the starlets and inscription aligned paralle to the top of the fuselage according to this photo: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354047&t=1) Intentionally there are only 23 victory starlets and they are bigger. And also intentionally the camouflage colors under & around inscription and starlets are a bit darker, it is a fresh local repainting before photo sessions. Also the red star on the left side is corrected: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354337) Seems my profile is a mix of two different planes, let's say artistic licence. Some more info at http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/board/index.php?topic=1547.30 (http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/board/index.php?topic=1547.30) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 26, 2017, 03:00:18 PM Hi Johann,
thank you for the photos. The first photo shows a repetitive pattern on the right-low corner, sure sign of cloning. The photo was retouched, but this doesn't necessarily mean that another number was visible. Hi Misos, None of the photos from the left side shows the small radio mast and wires; I think that this confirms that it is not the same plane photographed from the right side. Anyway, nothing demonstrates that it wasn't painted on both sides. Only, the victory starlets on the right side should have an oblique alignment to match the photo. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 26, 2017, 05:40:50 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for comment. I corrected it and replaced picture in my previous post above. Here is work in progress views from the top and from the bottom: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354478) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354477) Hope the basic drawing is correct and that there no (big) errors. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 26, 2017, 06:05:30 PM Hi Misos,
I think that the starlets are a bit too inclined now. A half-way would be better. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: learstang on November 26, 2017, 06:55:56 PM 66misos, those Yaks are looking very good! I'm working on the book right now. Those profiles will add a lot to the book.
Best Regards, Jason Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 27, 2017, 08:57:35 AM Hi Gents,
thanks for comments. Massimo, I am not sure the starlets go too obliquely. I aligned them (and inscription) according to these photos - at the top the starlets are pretty parallel with the top of the fuselage and at the bottom they are quite oblique to the edge on the side of the fuselage: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354047) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354043&t=1) (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354042) However, may be the fuselage star could be a bit bigger. Interesting info from the VIF: ??? :( https://www.vif2ne.org/nvi/forum/0/archive/56/56173.htm (https://www.vif2ne.org/nvi/forum/0/archive/56/56173.htm): "...veteran from the same regiment as Baranov told me how it was in their regiment "The correspondents came, the victory starlets were immediately painted and photos were immediately shot. Baranov did not fly in this plane either before or after!" https://www.vif2ne.org/nvi/forum/0/archive/75/75178.htm (https://www.vif2ne.org/nvi/forum/0/archive/75/75178.htm): "You can clearly see (on the photo fron the left) that the "decor" is staged - for the photo session. It is a pity that no other photos from 183 iap are known that could show the style/font of the fuselage numbers. And I also heard from the veteran form that regiment that the board number "1" is also staged, the original number was "17." Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Johann on November 27, 2017, 05:54:53 PM Quote It is a pity that no other photos from 183 iap are known But why... (https://pda.coollib.com/i/74/308774/pic_61.jpg) Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 27, 2017, 09:59:12 PM Hi Johann,
Thank you for photo. Here is a little progress: (http://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1355083) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 28, 2017, 05:03:48 PM Hi Misos,
now that I think, the lower outlines of the side windows of the windshield should be curved in the opposite way, with the concavity outside. If I don't miss, the windows are flat and intersecate a nearly-cylindrical upper fuselage surface. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 28, 2017, 09:12:05 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for comment. You are right. I reworked those rear windows according to my kit in 1/48. Original windows were according to the line drawing. EDIT: Corrected picture in my next post . Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 28, 2017, 10:29:18 PM Hi Misos,
I meant that the winshield is wrong, the side panels should be flat. the drawing shows them curved as on LaGG-3. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 29, 2017, 04:26:32 AM Hi Massimo,
IMHO the windshield on the Yak-1 is OK: (http://www.bergstrombooks.elknet.pl/bc-rs/Pic/yak-1.jpg) (http://www.yak-1.co.uk/_/rsrc/1340803002497/home/yakboat.bmp) The windows as you described them were on the Yak-1b. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 30, 2017, 06:43:48 PM Hi,
the view from the bottom on the Yak-1 is finally finished: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1359499) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Johann on November 30, 2017, 06:53:57 PM I probably find fault with the little things, but in this place it is not logical ...
(https://s26.postimg.org/hmij09avt/image.jpg) Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 30, 2017, 08:48:33 PM Hi Misos,
perhaps that panel was from another plane and has not perfect continuity in the camouflage. Good work anyway. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on December 01, 2017, 04:58:28 AM Hi All,
thank you for comments. Johann, you are right - the green part on the wing root was a mistake. (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1354039) Here is corrected picture: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1356013) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on December 01, 2017, 09:04:26 PM Hi,
here follows work in progress on Yak-1b: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1356091) It should be this plane with the red nose: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1356090) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on December 02, 2017, 04:53:16 PM Hi,
red-nose Yak-1b is finished: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1356279) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: learstang on December 02, 2017, 05:38:36 PM Michal, are you sure the tail wheel was fixed? Normally the Yak-1B had a retractable tail wheel, although I suppose it could have been fixed in the field. Otherwise it looks great, as usual!
Regards, Jason P.S. Now that I look at the photograph, it doesn't appear to have the 'clam shell' tail wheel doors, so it may have been field-modified to be fixed. Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on December 02, 2017, 07:05:01 PM Hi Misos, looks very nice.
From the photo, I've the impression that the white band was painted on the cooler flap in open position. So, if you draw the flap in closed position, the inclination of the contour should be different. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on December 03, 2017, 09:06:20 AM Hi,
thank you for comment. Massimo, the photo is not clear enough to confirm or deny it, so I let it be as it is. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on June 07, 2020, 08:45:31 PM Hi,
here is my work in progress of the Yak-1 belonged to 20 iap (http://allaces.ru/sssr/struct/p/iap744.php (http://allaces.ru/sssr/struct/p/iap744.php)) from the beginning of the GPW - photo is from the summer 1941. Photo shows that wooden/fabric surfaces are darker (AII green) than metal ones (A-19f green), plus red star on the tail is missing, so it should be also on the wing upper surfaces. Prop blades are bare metal with the rear side partially painted black. All that is visible also on the I-16 and MiG-3 planes from that era. (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1599353) (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1599354) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on June 07, 2020, 10:45:01 PM Hi Misos,
it looks very nice. Yak-1s with the prewar livery have been seen rarely . Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: John Thompson on June 08, 2020, 06:51:45 PM Nice work, Misos - a very interesting subject. I'm really looking forward to seeing the final version. I'd like to build a model of this aircraft using either the Amodel or Brengun 1/72 kit - probably Brengun.
Cheers; John Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on June 08, 2020, 09:19:40 PM Hi,
here is finished profile: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1599555) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on June 09, 2020, 07:53:51 AM Well made, Misos.
Maybe a top view with the stars would be nice too. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: barneybolac on June 10, 2020, 06:35:38 AM Nice job.
Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on June 14, 2020, 05:32:27 PM Hi,
I am glad you like it. Here is a view from the top to show prewar position of the red stars on the upperwings: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1600718) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on June 14, 2020, 08:29:46 PM Hi Misos,
very nice and rarey seen. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on June 20, 2020, 02:15:26 PM Hi,
let's continue with Yaks from very beginning of the GPW - here is Yak-1 from 45 iap, airfield Zabrat near Baku. Photo is dated to June 1941. When compared to the previous one, no. "27", here we can see red star already painted on the tail, although only a small one but with white outline to be better visible. Side of the rear fuselage in the shadow is brighter than the top of the fuselage in the sunshine, with wavy demarcation line between probably original AII green on the top and some new brighter green, may be AMT-4 on the sides. EDIT: Corrected profile (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1601877) Photo of the original is from http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak.html (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak.html): (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1601833) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on June 20, 2020, 03:04:32 PM Hi Misos,
this photo is of difficult interpretation. After having observed photos of many planes of this unit I suspect that the sides were more fantasious than this. The side plate behind the engine looks to have lighter dots, and so the lower part of the rudder. The numbers seem a bit too narrow, and I don't see such asymmetry in the 0. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on June 20, 2020, 04:09:18 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for comment. Yes, you are right with the number - I did something wrong when adjusting number on the position, I checked it several time I saw nothing wrong. But now... Plus it seems that digit "2" is a bit larger than "40". I will correct it. The rest I will keep as it is. I prefer approach to keep thing simple and close to standard as much as possible, unless photo clearly shows something else. EDIT: Profile is already corrected and replaced. Size and position of "402" were made according to the photo superpositioned over profile and adjusted so that the silhouette of the fuselage&tail at the photo corresponds to the silhouette of the fuselage&tail in the profile. Anyhow, what about plane no. 404? As a basement seems to be standard prewar darker green on fabric and lighter green on metal parts (see the tail). And over it the brighter (light brown, sand...?) bands are painted. Somewhere are visible also thin darker stripes, but hard to say whether it is painted, or defects of the photo, or artifacts of JPG compression or something else. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on June 20, 2020, 07:31:12 PM Hi Misos,
brush strokes are surely of two colors, I suppose light brown and black. The lower rear part of the fuselage looks black or at least with a thin black contour, probably to make blue unvisible from above. But they left light blue landing gear coves... Or could it be some defect of the photo? Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on June 21, 2020, 03:42:28 PM Hi Massimo,
here is work in progress: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1602067) And here is a photo again: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1601833) Dark stripes on the front fuselage are shadows of the exaust pipes. Some darker area beneath the cockpit looks more like dirty around panel line. I am not sure I see dark strokes on the rear fuselage,it coud be underlying dark green. But yes, bottom of the rear fuselage is strangely dark. Same part on the 402 is clearly bright although it is also in the shadow. I do not see a purpose to paint there thick demarcation line. ??? Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on June 21, 2020, 08:16:59 PM Hi Misos,
I think that the light areas should show brush strokes, I see too much light brown on your profile and not recognizable brush strokes.I think that there are two colors of strokes, if the darker color is the base green then there is a further intermediate shade under the light strokes. I would have a look to other photos of planes of the same unit. regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on June 21, 2020, 08:39:48 PM Hi Misos, I had a look to the other available photos of the same unit. Photos from http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/yak-1_color.html (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/yak-1_color.html) (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/color/photo_yak-1_58.jpg) This one has a camo probably of two light matt colors over the glossy green. (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/color/photo_yak-1_59.jpg) Black small dots over light brown small dots. Over the star too. (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/color/photo_yak-1_60.jpg) Matt irregular paint. Who knows if they utilized mud? (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/color/photo_yak-1_61.jpg) More or less as the first one (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/color/photo_yak-1_62.jpg) More or less as the first one (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/color/photo_yak-1_63-2.jpg) (http://airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak-1/color/photo_yak-1_63-1.jpg) Strangely unconsistent photos. Probably a low contrast one made with small dots grouped in wide areas. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: PG monster on June 22, 2020, 07:37:21 AM Hi, red-nose Yak-1b is finished: (http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1356279) Regards, 66misos Hi Misos, (https://imgur.com/dr5H0sM) https://i.imgur.com/dr5H0sM.jpg these 2 holes are wrong for Yak-1b. You can check for example the photos of Yeremin plane: http://ava.org.ru/iap/31g.htm Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: PG monster on June 24, 2020, 10:42:53 AM Hi, here is my work in progress of the Yak-1 belonged to 20 iap (http://allaces.ru/sssr/struct/p/iap744.php (http://allaces.ru/sssr/struct/p/iap744.php)) from the beginning of the GPW - photo is from the summer 1941. (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1599354) Regards, 66misos Great job, but why you sure that's 20 iap ? Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: PG monster on June 24, 2020, 11:31:04 AM Hi, let's continue with Yaks from very beginning of the GPW - here is Yak-1 from 45 iap, airfield Zabrat near Baku. Photo is dated to June 1941. When compared to the previous one, no. "27", here we can see red star already painted on the tail, although only a small one but with white outline to be better visible. Side of the rear fuselage in the shadow is brighter than the top of the fuselage in the sunshine, with wavy demarcation line between probably original AII green on the top and some new brighter green, may be AMT-4 on the sides. EDIT: Corrected profile (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1601877) Cool, thank you! Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: PG monster on July 27, 2020, 07:36:45 AM Hi Misos, these 2 holes are wrong for Yak-1b. You can check for example the photos of Yeremin plane: http://ava.org.ru/iap/31g.htm (https://imgurhd.ru/i/6sl1.jpg) (https://imgurhd.ru/6sl1) https://imgurhd.ru/6sl1 I tried to close those holes. I'm not an artist, so the result could be better. Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: PG monster on July 27, 2020, 07:52:56 AM Hi Misos, these 2 holes are wrong for Yak-1b. You can check for example the photos of Yeremin plane: http://ava.org.ru/iap/31g.htm (https://imgurhd.ru/i/6sl1.jpg) (https://imgurhd.ru/6sl1) https://imgurhd.ru/6sl1 I tried to close those holes. Excuse me, I'm not an artist, so the result could be better. Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on November 01, 2020, 09:36:06 PM Hi PG monster,
perfect work. ;) Here are slightly reworked brush strokes on the White 404: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1629819) regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 04, 2020, 09:24:25 AM Hi all,
I've uploaded the profiles of plane 27, 402 and 404 on two new pages that can be accessed from here: http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/yak1/yak1profiles.htm (http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/yak1/yak1profiles.htm) Well done, Misos, I hope to see further works from you soon. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: PG monster on November 14, 2020, 09:52:02 AM Excuse me, there http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/yak1/Misos/20iap/20iap.htm a typo in the URL :
"Source of the photo: http://www.airfield.narod.ru/yak/yak.html " the space after ".html " so we get 404 error. Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on November 14, 2020, 09:04:31 PM Hi,
thank you for the warning, I've fixed it. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: learstang on November 15, 2020, 07:30:07 AM I like the camouflage on '404' - great work, Mikael!
Best Regards, Jason Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on August 19, 2021, 12:25:49 AM Hi,
here I have started work on Pokrovskiy's Yak-1b, 2 giap SF, inspired by this article http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/board/index.php?topic=873.new#new (http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/board/index.php?topic=873.new#new): I decided for silver upper surfaces and blue tail. (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1700967) and here is the source photo found at the internet: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1700968) There is no publicly known photo of this plane. But because this plane is painted by the same guy is this Stepanian's Il-2M http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/il-2/il2-camo/il-2m/stepanyan/stepanyan.html (http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/il-2/il2-camo/il-2m/stepanyan/stepanyan.html), its front part was very probably also quite colorful. So I'll come up with something ;-) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on August 19, 2021, 07:12:47 AM Hi Misos,
looks very well made. I think to see another dark area on the mast. Could the oblique cut be due to some wiring? Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on August 19, 2021, 03:00:32 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for comment. Here is my final interpretation. If correct, who knows... (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1703225) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on August 19, 2021, 09:04:10 PM Hi Misos,
very nice drawing. I would move a bit upwards the star on the tail, the photo shows that the white edge is cutten by the profile of the fin. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on August 19, 2021, 11:36:56 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for comment. Star on the tail moved a bit upwards, picture replaced. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on August 20, 2021, 09:59:32 AM Hi Misos,
will you send a page with this profile for the site? If I remember well, there was another profile of Yak-9 that is still waiting, isn't it? Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on August 21, 2021, 11:03:02 PM Ok, received. I'll upload both pages tomorrow. Thank you.
Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on August 21, 2021, 11:17:17 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for posting my articles. In the meantime I browsed through https://www.vif2ne.org/nvi/forum/0/0.htm (https://www.vif2ne.org/nvi/forum/0/0.htm) (unfortunately it does not give a link to the particular post) and I found there an interesting discussion from 2012 about this colorful Yak-1b. It is in Russian language, here are some interesting info translated to English. EDIT: Regarding Pokrovskiy, it is reliably known that he was transferred from the 2 giap of the Northern Fleet Air Force in May 1943 to a new duty station, unfortunately there is no exact information yet where exactly. Presumably at first to the VMAU (Военно-морское авиационное училище - school for military naval aviators) and then to the Black Sea Fleet Air Force. From interview with V.A. Tikhomirov: "In May 1943 I was promoted to junior lieutenant, and in the same month I was sent to the flight commander course, where I took a course in flight and combat use on a Yak-1 aircraft. There were three squadrons in the (flight commanders) course: fighter squadrons (commander - Hero of the Soviet Union Pokrovskiy), attack squadron (commander - Hero of the Soviet Union Stepanyan) and bombers (commander - Nikolaev)." Yak-1 is Pojkrovskiy's plane from the time when he was already transferred from Northern Fleet to the Black Sea Fleet Air Force (unit not known), also at the end of the war. It is doubtful that the painter/artist traveled like that, although anything can be... Pilot in the Yak-1 cockpit is (allegedly) Pokrovskiy. (http://www.redbanner.co.uk/History/ace_aircraft/pokrovskiy/yak1b-Pokrovskiy.jpg) Il-2 plane belongs to 2 HSU Nelson Stepanyan, Baltics, 1945 (?) (https://i1002.photobucket.com/albums/af142/barneybolac/IL-2%20STUFF/stepanyan_0_1646a_30eb1f1b_L.jpg) Plane painted in the similar style but not related to the Yak-1 and Il-2 from above: (https://coollib.com/i/65/252665/pic_4.jpg) But the Yak-1 and Pokrovskiy are two things not compatible with the place and time during period of his stay in the regiments. Allegedly first-hand information is that Pokrovskiy was filmed near this plane somewhere in Bulgaria. After completed operations in Romania the parts of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force were based in Bulgaria - 6 giap and others. The defective plane stood at the edge of the airfield (in the photo you can see, despite retouching, removed water radiator and missing cockpit canopy) and such a painted plane attracted attention of the photographer... Spepanyan's plane on the photo (in other occasion) is without a machine gun in the gunner cockpit. From these two facts and Tikhomirov's memories the assumption was born that these planes were painted at one place - at the flight commander course. From the point of view of the formal logic such a colorful painting could have taken place on the planes in the rear regiments, but in active units? Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on August 22, 2021, 07:17:25 AM Hi Misos,
if I have understood well, you think that the Yak-1 was Pokrovsky's plane painted at the flight commander course of the Northern Fleet, and then was flown to the Southern front? I hadn't noted the lack of the cooler. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on August 22, 2021, 11:08:04 AM Hi Massimo,
Based on the info in my previous post it seems that Pokrovskiy was in VMAU when Stepanyam with his colorful Il-2 was there also. But also seems that Pokrovskiy was accidentally photographed in the colorful Yak-1 that belonged to someone else during completely different occasion, in different time & location - somewhere in Bulgaria. This could possibly explain why he did not remember details about colors of that highly "personalized" plane. I know it was some forty years ago, but if that plane was painted according to his instructions, who knows. I remember color and some stickers, decorations and other details of our first car when I was child some forty years ago... Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on August 22, 2021, 12:07:40 PM Hi Misos,
I've uploaded the pages at: http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/yak1/Misos/yak1b-unknown/yak1b-unknown.htm (http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/yak1/Misos/yak1b-unknown/yak1b-unknown.htm) http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/yak9/misos/stepanenko9T/stepanenko9T.htm (http://massimotessitori.altervista.org/sovietwarplanes/pages/yak9/misos/stepanenko9T/stepanenko9T.htm) I have added (related to Pokrovskij) in the too anonymous title because even if it wasn't his plane, the photo created the legend that it was. A surprising thing of this plane is that its tail is fully of victory stars. So if it wasn't his plane, it could have been of another ace... or a complete propaganda fake. Best regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on August 22, 2021, 01:59:16 PM Hi Massimo,
thank you for posting. Adding "(related to Pokrovskij)" was a good idea. We will see if any new info arise. As one said - the truth is out there. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on September 04, 2021, 03:03:37 PM Hi,
I have started work on another Yak-1b. Now it is plane from the 1st Fighting Regiment "City of Warshaw" (1 PLM "Warszawa") from autumn 1943. (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1704117) This plane already wore standard grey-grey camouflage with the combination of the old and new red stars. - July 3, 1943 - directive no.2389/0133 - the upper and side surfaces of all fighter aircraft have to be painted in greyish blue and dark grey colors. - September 3, 1943 - No.267 issued - red stars have to have outline with white line 5cm wide edged with red line 1cm wide. Here is my work in progress: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1704118) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on September 04, 2021, 05:01:57 PM Hi Misos,
this will be welcome. I wait to see its evolution up to the definitive version. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on September 05, 2021, 07:13:23 AM Hi Misos,
a thing that this photo of Yak, and some other ones, seem to show is that the lower part of the rear of the fuselage seems painted with AMT-11, while the wings and metallic parts seem painted in light blue. I wonder if it was a matter of availabilty of paints. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on September 05, 2021, 10:50:03 AM Hi Massimo,
exactly, the lower part of the rear fuselage confuses me, it is quite dark, almost zero contrast against AMT-11. At britmodeller forum is an article Yakovlev Yak-1b 1st Fighter Regiment "City of Warsaw" (https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235072904-yakovlev-yak-1b-1st-fighter-regiment-city-of-warsaw/) with several photos, here showing Yak-1b from 1945: (http://www.skyline-apa.com.au/Models/2020/Yak-1/Yak-1b-13-20.jpg) Repainting with paints of the color not exactly matching original camouflage was not unusual. Photo of White II from Arma Hobby blog in a bit better photo: (http://armahobbynews.pl/wp-content/uploads/3.jpg) And the photo of the same plane from Як-1 с двигателем М-105ПФ (https://military.wikireading.ru/13738) (https://storage.yandexcloud.net/wr4img/347189_5_pic_51.jpg) So if original camouflage of White II looked similar to White 12 (light blue AMt-7 going high at the rear fuselage), then it could be overpainted with some darker "local mixture", may be mix of light blue and black or AMT-11 of the different shade, to make sides of the fuselage darker. Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on September 05, 2021, 12:48:23 PM Hi,
so far basic camouflage and some smoke stains. (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1704264) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: John Thompson on September 05, 2021, 02:04:44 PM The carburetor air intake in the wing root appears much larger than on standard Yak-1Bs. The photo of "White 12" (shown Photoshopped into "White 13" in the Britmodeller thread) shows this; there's another photo of this aircraft published on the back cover of Skrzydla w Miniaturze 2/91 showing the intake from the front quarter which confirms the larger size. Was this a common modification on Polish Yaks? Was it just one aircraft?
John Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on September 05, 2021, 04:54:56 PM Hi Misos,
from the photo, I see that the AMT-11 (or what is) look extended to the lower part of the rear fuselage, including the tail wheel doors and the cooling fairing. I remember a similar photo that I wasn't able to find in my hard disk with the rear surfaces dark and light blue under the wing and nose. I suppose that it was a matter of stocks of paint, that is that the factory was short of AMT-7 and used the closest shades available. Best regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on September 05, 2021, 07:12:54 PM Hi Massimo,
you are right. I made some corrections, plus I added "weathering" and "dirting", so here is the final result: EDIT Septt 11, 2021 - old picture replaced by this corrected one: (https://www.modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=1705425) Regards, 66misos Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on September 05, 2021, 08:12:26 PM Hi Misos,
the conformation of the exhaust stacks should be different, they have plates up and down. I would make the mast a bit bended forward. Regards Massimo Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Graham Boak on September 05, 2021, 10:54:41 PM Darker paint or just stains from the airflow out of the radiator?
Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: Massimo Tessitori on September 06, 2021, 06:49:45 AM I don't think, it shouldn't have been so uniform on the sides.
Title: Re: Yakovlev Yak-1 & Yak-1b profiles Post by: 66misos on September 11, 2021, 10:27:18 AM Hi,
I replaced original picture with corrected one: - antenna mast in vertical position, - added plates above and below exhaust stacks, - hole at the front fuselage deleted. Regards, 66misos |