Title: Fairly good replica of La-5FN in museum Post by: Massimo Tessitori on July 05, 2018, 03:16:14 PM Hi all,
there is an interesting walkaround about a replica of la-5FN here: http://scalemodels.ru/news/12079-Walkaround-replika-la-5fn-muzejj-boevojj-slavy-urala-g--verkhnjaja-pyshma-rossija.html (http://scalemodels.ru/news/12079-Walkaround-replika-la-5fn-muzejj-boevojj-slavy-urala-g--verkhnjaja-pyshma-rossija.html) (http://scalemodels.ru/images/2017/08/1504088438_IMG_7508.JPG) The first look seems convincing apart for the flap of the exhaust pipes that is shaped as on the La-5F. Seems that there are many other replicas on that museum. Regards Massimo |