Title: A completely unexpected but welcome find at NARA - German docs on IL-2 rockets a Post by: Troy Smith on August 10, 2023, 11:06:14 PM Posted by Lynn Ritger on Hyperscale
https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/hyperscale/a-completely-unexpected-but-welcome-find-at-nara-g-t539240.html#p2917816 (https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/hyperscale/a-completely-unexpected-but-welcome-find-at-nara-g-t539240.html#p2917816) "Doing a search on "seitenleitwerk" (yes, I have a reason) and somehow this showed up... and honestly, I think this is the best pic I've ever seen of the rocket rails on an Ilyushin Il-2. I'm including the cutaways/dimensions of the standard rockets and bombs just as a bonus. :)" (https://attachment.tapatalk-cdn.com/45241/202308/1119438_da2492b3ff9000ab3c4ddbfb4cf32927_t.jpg) (https://attachment.tapatalk-cdn.com/45241/202308/1119438_12c6c9b1e37f9124bb3a4427d21e8868_t.jpg) (https://attachment.tapatalk-cdn.com/45241/202308/1119438_01f4cee467504547235bb67baaffd023_t.jpg) And thought they would be worth reposting on here. |