I don't think that this paint is good: it's a dark grey-green copied from some exhibits that was no doubt real and existing, but can't be the same color utilized to paint SBs and I-153.
I think the same .
There is always a posibilty to misidentify/misinterpret museum exhibits or "specimens" from private collections. Fortunately, Akanihin hasn't indulge in paint indentification/interpretation too often; contrary to a western "researcher" whose colours are based on the "Physical inspection" of Monino exhibits and specimens that nobady else have seen.
... takes the color found on the inside of a TB-3
following is from Aviakollektsiya 12-2007 at
http://retrospicere.narod.ru/library-books/book_998_2.htmБомбардировщик сверху красился в ?защитный? (зеленый с желтоватым оттенком) цвет. Состав был таким: 42% крона, 27,3% олифы, 25,5% умбры и 1% сажи. Снизу самолет был светло-серым: 34,84% литопона (смеси солей цинка и бария), 34% свинцовых белил и 31% олифы. Внутри машина красилась в серый цвет: 31,6% литопона, 31,6% свинцовых белил, 2,2% крона и 33,8% олифы.