a warning on the kit, the wheel well does not fit
AT ALLhttp://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234976991-mikro-mirs-new-la-11-148th-scale-in-box-review/One of the chaps at hyper scale reported a serious fit issue withthe wheel bay insert fouling the wind to fuselage join. So yesterday I thought I'd see - and he was spot on correct: It doesn't fit, full stop.
After 2 hours of non stop cutting, sanding, filing, pairing, more cutting, more sanding etc, I got it to fit, but BE WARNED - if you have this model or intend to buy it - tackle this area first.
Basically you'll need to reduce the height on the wheel well insert, thin down the plastic on the top so it's wafer thin, then thin down the plastic on the underside of the fuselage wing root flanges, and then remove a lot of plastic from the inside of the lower fuselage halves: Then it will fit!! Just!!
this is no joke, I have been doing some work on my La-9.
I got the wheel well to fit, but it's a lot of carving, the cockpit interior needs trimming and adjusting, as does the coke bottle canopy,a s it supposed to be flush with the rear fuselage at the back.
there don't appear to be any mounting points for the UC legs.
None of this is insurmountable, but I suggest not even showing the kit glue until these fit issues have been adjusted, certainly not adding any of the PE detail.
I also thinned the wing trailing edges and rudder trailing edge a lot, and tacked on the tailplanes with tiny drops of superglue, then drilled from inside to allow addition of mounting pins, a sharp tap from above will cleanly break off the tacked parts, and gives you aligned holes.
this is as far as i have got, except for trying to drill out the cowl guns which has made more work.
one these issues have been tackled, it looks like it should make a decent model, but the work involved above makes it a slog, as it's tedious. tackle it in small doses, as it will take several hours of careful adjustment to get it too a point where it will assemble like a kit!
There is a post here with some more info, and there is a walkround of the restored La-9 which has some cockpit shots whihc you need to see what goes where, the instructions are vague at best for this.
I'll add more when I can find them.
La-9 restored walkround
http://www.kiwiaircraftimages.com/la9.htmlolder B/W La-11 photos