this is a difficult question.
I've studied the camo of Tu-2 on this page
but the study was somewhat unconclusive: while a factory template is known, photo of planes respecting it are rare. The first desturbing thing is the unexpected apparent extension of the light color, particularly on the wing uppersurfaces.
Green planes existed, but less common of what expected in VVS service. Many of the planes built after the war were camouflaged.
In the case of 04, I see a piece of wing where, interestingly, the number 4 is reported again. This piece looks camouflaged.
I see small irregularities on the fuselage that suggest that it could have been camouflaged too, but who knows...
I think to see trace of an overpainted red star under the canopy. This is strange too, because usually Tu-2s didn't have it.
I agree with white rings and black spinners. Could this be an old plane built before 1943?