I've made a direct comparison between Akan chips kindly supplied by Troy and my own Humbrol.
All the colors were scanned in one time, but some correction with Photoshop was necessary all the same to make colors more uniform (they change very much between semigloss and matt due to mixing) and to reflect what I see with my eyes.
AMT-4 is close in darkness to 116, but the hue is more similar to 117; a mix of them should be perfect, but I'm prone to use 117, that is lighter, as my favourite match.
114 is a fair match too, but it's out of catalogue.
116 is fairly similar to AII green too, that is a bit more green. A mix of 116 and 75 should be good.
AII blue is very close to 65, just a bit darker.
AMT-7 is close to 89, but a bit more greyish.
A-14 is close to 5 and 27, but a bight more light and neutral. Other matches could be found.
AMT-11 of Akan surprised me for its darkness. 144 is a bit lighter and more bluish, and I think to use this paint as a match, even if probably there are closer ones still to check.