I think you will have noticed that I'm back in my researches regarding aircrafts flown by WW2 Soviet Aces ... (and I try, at my humble level, to try to advance knowledge)
I finally succeeded to contact Mr Stankov who sent me information about N ° 31 flown by Kozhedub (He gave me its serial number but I'm not sure that he made it public...
"№31-Кожедуба. У него ранее был другой Ла-5Ф. Когда был ранен командир эскадрильи он передал ему свой Ла-5Ф №31. Номер 31 был дорисован и обозначает: 3АЭ 1-й самолёт. Ранее там возможно стоял другой заводской номер. Был ли самолёт перекрашен заново с номером--не выяснено. Но выяснено: что Ла-5Ф в полку были разных партий и камуфляжей."
If I well understood (Google Translate is my friend), it seems that Kozhedub flown this aircraft after his unit commander was injured from September 1943 to May 1944.
I'm not familiar with the green camo scheme, so I decided to modify the original drawing of post #1 with AMT11-12 camo scheme.
Also, if I understood what Mr Stankov said to me, it seems that the colors of the aircrafts were not necessarily AMT4-6 or AMT11-12 but could be green or 2 green tones... It was the same for the Yak-3 which could be green... It depended on the manufacturing sites.