Yugoslavian YU-CHZ

Updated on February 13, 2014

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Drawing by Tapani Tuomanen

Yugoslav Air Force received 30 UT-2M in summer 1945 and 25 UT-2 in late 1947 that were utilized up to 1956; then they were utilized by civilian aeroclubs for some years.

These images represent the ex-military Yugoslav UT-2M YU-CHZ in Novi Sad, utlized with civil marks in 1954-59. Its painting is probably dark grey AMT-12. The dark grey layer is very degraded and shows scratches of a more faded grey. It's unclear if the civilian code was reported on the wings, deleting the roundels on the lower surface.


Image of a similar plane CFG. Seems that the planes with civilian immatricolation preserved the national roundels for some time before their deleting and replacing with the inscription YU-, that seems painted later and is not perfectly aligned to CHZ.

Line of Yugoslav UT-2 and UT-2M. Plane YU-CKJ look similar to YU-CHZ, apart perhaps for its lighter shade of grey.


image from http://www.letletlet-warplanes.com/
