La-7 n.12 of F. Kosolapov, 937 IAP
by Massimo Tessitori
Updated on February 24, 2017
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La-7 'white 12' belonged to Lt. Col. F.M. Kosolapov. of 937 iap of 322 iad.

The picture taken at Prague-Kbely airport in June 1945.

The white thing on the trim tabs probably is a removable protection.


Side and upper views of this plane.

The red shape on the nose can be imagined as a 5-braces red star wrapped on the nose of the plane.



Disclaimer: the present page is widely based on this topic and on a research of Michal Sekula (66misos).

This page and the drawings are byMassimo Tessitori.

There are many photos of many sources, not always credited.

If you think to have rights on some images, please email me and I'll provide to credit or to remove them.