La-7 'Gorkovskiy rabochiy'
by Massimo Tessitori
Updated on February 24, 2017
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14 'Gorkovskiy rabochiy'


The photo shows a line of planes with the inscription 'Gorkovskiy rabochiy' (workman of Gorkiy), built thanks to the donation of workmen of Gorkiy, photographed on the airfield of Zavod 21.

The planes were delivered to different units.

A close image that allows to read the slogan. For what is known, it was on the left side only.

The man on the right is the foreman of the workers, N. Kudrin; the officer is Guards Lt.A.A. Byvalov.

A profile of n.14 before going to the unit.

49 'Gorkovskiy rabochiy' of the 1st Czechoslovak iap

Plane 49 with the slogan 'Gorkovskiy rabochiy'.

At first, 8 La-7s were delivered to the 1st Czechoslovak Fighter Regiment on 28 April 1945 in Poland, too late to take active part to war.

At the beginning of May, more La-7s were delivered to the 2nd Czech Regiment, that gave 5 of them to the 1st Regiment.

The plane of the photo was probably one of these, serial 45210849 (La-7, built in Zavod 21, serie 08, plane 49).

The plane looks to have a protruding camera on its winshield.

A profile of 49 that puts into evidence the slogan and the supposed camera on the windshield.